Thursday, January 10, 2013

"The Meaning of the Tashahhud" A Word Anaylsis

So I realized I cant pay full attention to lectures online without taking notes, and if I dont take notes I will for sure forget what I learned.
Heres what the sheikh said in this awesome video titled, "The Meaning of the Tashahhud"
I began the video at 10:30 and stopped at 27 minutes inshAllah I will continue it because I think it is REALLLY good to know these details.
Word Analysis: Each word needs to be appreciated
Altahayyatu Greetings
The 1st word is AlTahiyyatu , this is a plural word of the word tahiya Tahiya means greeting, to greet somone, altahiyyat is the plural form so it would mean the greetings. The word greeting tells the story of the orgins of this word. The word tahiya comes from the root word of haya. Haya means life. So why would the word greeting come from the word which means life? In pre-Islamic times, in the times of jahihlya, the Arabs would greet one another with supplication such as "Hayaik Allah" which means  I hope Allah gives you a long and prosperous life. It was a good supplication (sheikh qatani says it sometimes I noticed). They were making duaa for the life of the person through this greeting. 
 Later on when Islam came, the Quran and the Prophet taught us a different supplication and that is the greeting of Aslaamu Alkyaum. Even though the greeting itself changed, the word greeting remains the same, and that is in the Quran Allah said, "When somebody greets you with a greeting than return that greeting back to them better or at least return the equal greeting". In arabic the aya contains the word "Haya"

Altahayyatu lillah
 Royal compliments firt for a king are exclusively for Allah

What does it mean to greet Allah? There is a little story behind this. A scholar was interested in knowing what this means. He went to scholar named Alkasie, and I asked him what does "Altahiyaat laiAllah mean?" he said, it is like blessings, so the scholar said what does blessings mean? The scholar replied thats all I know. So he went to another scholar and the scholar said altahiyait is a word we use to worship Allah. Finally I came across Imam Alshafi who was both a scholar and poet which gave him a very unique perspective. Imam Alshafi said, why didnt you ask a poet scholar. Let me  explain something, when you enter the court of the royal king how do you enter the court? You offer royal complements, such your royal highness, etc. Its protocol. That is what the word "Altahiyat" So when we say althiyat laiAllah we are pronouncing royal complements which are exclusively for Allah.
Wa al salawat And Prayers
Plural of the word salat which is prayers. Our salawat are also for Allah.
Wa al tayyibat And beautiful character, conduct, etc is also for Allah.
Plural of the word tayba which means good. The beautiful conduct, character, our manners, our dealings with people. You treat people good not because of who they are but rather you do that for the sake of Allah.
The prophet in this statement is teaching us that the way we conduct ourselves social is based on Allah.
As Salaam Peace and Safety
Its very profound and comprehensive word. Islam comes from the root word of salaam. Islam means to submit because when you submit to Allah you achieve peace and safety.
Salaium in the arabic language refers to ladders and stairs, and it comes from peace and safety. Arent stairs and ladders kind of dangerous? The Arabs realized that stairs are dangerous so they named it safety, so people would think oh we have to becareful.
As Salaamu Alayka Ayyhua Al Nabi  Peace and Safety Upon you o Prophet.
This is a form of supplication. Now who is the you refering to you? The supplictaion tells us "Alayki Ayyhua al nabi" which means upon O Prophet
The word nabi means Prophet. This can come from 2 roots, which is naba which means news that is very important or very relevant to you (never knew that!). That means the nabi brings news that is important and relevant. Reflect on it. Words teach us lessons.  The second possible root of nabi is that it comes from the word nabawan, which means an elevation. The nabi is an individual is at a higher status. He is the messnger of Allah.
Wa Rahmtu llah Mercy of Allah Upon you
Wa Barkathu, Long Lasting Blessings of Allah also be upon you.
Barkathu which is the plural word of baraka which means blessings
The roots of baraka means blessings that are long lasting. That is why the Arabs would call a small collection of water  that has been sitting for a long time a bareeika ( as an Arab I know we call the pool barikaa). The word implies longevity.
Are we speaking about the Prophet or to the Prophet? It is to  the Prophet.
The Prophet used to teach the scholars the tashuhud just like how he taught the ayas.
This implicates the improtance of memorizing the tashuhud. Second it implicates that it must be read how he taught it, and it cannot be changed.
To be contunied inshAllah

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