Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Light Upon Light Allahs Light, Amazing, Going From Darkness (Hardship) To Light (Ease)

One of the most amazing ayas unbeliveable I love this, Oh Allah place your Light upon us!
Before you start reading this post I want you to hear these amazing ayas (the traslation is also with it)  which describes Allahs Noor, Light. Its simply unbelievable amazing....imagine Allahs Light? And imagine being guided to this Light? Think about when you go through a dark situation (hardship) and than you get to go through the ease, is it not a form of light?
One of the worst hardships a person can create for themselves is hob aldunya, love for this world. When you find yourself feeling sad because you dont have this or that , or you start to feel alone, or you start to feel bad for yourself than you know that you are falling for shytans worst traps. You are creating this hardship for yourself when you start to fall for the beauty of dunya. I fall for this sometimes, but I found that the best remedy is TRULY the remembrance of Alllah.
Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! Surat Al Rad Aya 28
SubhanAllah its seriouslly a feeling of darkness to light....but you see the sweetness is not going from light to light, the sweetness of the hardship or the ease is when you feel the bad and than you feel the good. And when you start to turn  your heart away from dunya and you turn to Allah looking for light you will find signs all around you. Open your heart, and  just go to youtube and randomly search a Quran recitior and you will probably find ayas directly realting to what you need(inshAllah), or go to and you will probably find your favorite aya reciting, or go to your favorite muslim site, (for me its suhaib webbs virtual mosque) and you will find new articles on the homepage directly related to what you need. 
I found this one this time, humdAllah: and the following hadiths are was what I needed to hear:
Prophet said:
"“Satan threatens you with poverty, and commands you to evil, while God promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty.”
“Whoever makes the Hereafter his goal, Allah places abundance in his heart, and organizes his affairs, and the world comes to him despite its unwillingness. And whoever’s aim is worldly gain, Allah puts poverty before his eyes, and disorganizes his affairs, and nothing of this world comes to him, except what has been decreed for him.”

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