Thursday, December 13, 2012

How A Muslim Husband Treats his Wife, Dr. Islam ElFahymoui Notes

I am a little late but here are my notes from last Sundays class.
 Dr.Islam continued his lecture on the topic of marriage, he said:
Its not your job  your choose your roles in this life rather Allah chooses your roles.
The Prophet said:
"If a woman makes salat (prayer), fasts Ramadan, and obeys her husband she will enter all of the gates of Jannah"
Im sure you did not like it when I used the term  obey due to Western ideas, but the Western ideas are not working to secure marriages.
Your husband is your key to Paradise.
If you marry a man who believes in Allah and follows the religion, you can remind him accordingly to the Quran and Sunnah.
Tips on How A Muslim Man Should Treat His Wife (to be continued next Sunday)
1. Finical: In Islam it is a obligation for the man to provide his wife with food,shelter, clothes, costs of a child,  and any finances are all a responsibility of the husband.
Islam honors women:
Your husbands job or role is to spend on you, even if you are making money you get to keep that money for your own self and you dont have to spend it on anyone.
In the Prophets time there were woman who would come breastfeed orphan children, and etc. A man must support his wife so that she may breastfeed thier child. Breastfeeding is better than formula, the breast milk (scientific fact) changes as the baby grows. Allah provided you with this milk just to feed your child but instead you choose to give your child powder? This is Allahs gift to you. In the winter the milk is naturally warm and in the summer its naturally cool.
Husbands can support their wive through kindness during post birth.
When the woman is not home and out working her duties may not be taken care of, and in this case she should use her own money to manage her work at home.
Marry a man on your finical level or even higher.
2. Smile and Laugh (MY favorite =)
If you come home greet your wife with the greeting Asalaamu Alkaam.
A man should smile and laugh in his home.
Aisha was asked how was the prophet in the home? She responded: "he was the kindest of men, smiling, laughing all the time".
3. Kind Words
The Prophet said: The kind word is charity.
The Prophet said: A woman will remember every bad thing her husband did, but she wil not remember all of the good stuff he did. Dr.Islam started doing mocks of husband and wife arguments in which the wife reminds her husband of all the bad he did.
4. Small Frequent Random Kind Acts
 When the Prophets wife wanted to ride a camel he would have her step on him to get onto the camel
Small frequent acts of kindness are better than a large not so frequent act of kindness. For an example a man will spend over 6 thousand dollars to take his wife for a five day trip to Miami, as soon as they come back she soon forgets about this trip. Women appreciate daily acts of kindness. If you offered a women a rose every week vs a huge luxurious trip to Miami she would choose the rose every week.
The Prophet always used to kiss his wife before he went to the Masjid
To Be contunieeeed

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