Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ultimate Eid Celebration 2013 Coming Soon InshAllah!

Photo Credit: NHIEC Mosque

As December comes to an end I realize how much Muslims fall into the glitz and glam of the "holiday season". I have also fallen for this as I honestly enjoy seeing the lovely decorations, the gifts, etc. If Muslim adults are falling for this glitz and glam of the holiday season, imagine how the Muslim kids feel when they see their non-Muslim fellows talk about the awesome gifts they get or the awesome Christmas tree and then they compare it to the not so glitzy Eid. Although you may get angry when Muslims compare Eid to the Holiday season, you shouldnt....instead you should try to make Eid the ULTIMATE festival....let Eid live up to its name..
 Allah gave us the best Holiday: EID. What have we done to show appreciation of this holiday?
Its time for us to step up our EID. I had enough of hearing the "Oh I wish Eid was like Christmas".  Its true, you wont find the stores glowing with lights and lanterns for Eid in America, but we as a community are capable of creating this awesome Eid experience if we wanted to....I am ready to create the ultimate Eid celebration. And no it wont be an event that will only be fun for the kids! Its going to be appealing to all ages inshAllah, especially my age group (16-30) which seem to be losing the Eid spirit every time we get older.
You want this to happen? You want Eid to be the ULTIMATE EID CELEBRATION? Well then you gota do your part because you know what? Allah SWT says,
"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves" Holy Quran
We can bring back that Ultimate EID spirit the Prophet had
We can make this a unity event and bring the ummah together
We can exchange gifts to one another, Prophet said: "Give gifts and you will love one another."
We can visit the Muslims in hospitals, shelters, etc and share our ultimate Eid with them
We can celebrate ALL THREE days of Eid
We can bring back that excitement you used to get weeks before Eid as a child
We can do pre-eid giving through fundraising for zakat al fitr
We can make a big deal of reciting the besttttt holiday song, TAKBIR AL Eid (How can we compare this to anything!? Allahs name is constantly repeated!) 

Allah SWT describes as the best, but why have we not made our Eid the best for ourselves?
"You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah" Holy Quran
ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS  input effort and have trust in Allah...!
This is a simple formula that works for anything good you attempt to do in this dunya inshAllah if Allah wills.
ARE YOU READY? For the "The Ultimate Eid Celebration"Coming to a Masjid near you in 2013 inshAllah....lets make this happen! Are you ready to take on the challenge?
(If we want this Ultimate Eid Experience actually happen, we must start planning from like NOW) inshAllah.
Lets make this event go viral.
Please SHARE
And if anyone is interested in helping contact me!!

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