Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Weekends, Spirtual Uplift, We All Need To Recharge!

" Everyone is in need of spitrual uplifiting. The Masjid provides you with this spirtual uplifiting. Muslims are present in the Masjid to gain knowledge to protect themselves from the Shytan"
Iqraa Channel
Throughout the week my iman battery starts to run low, but than my weekend becomes my chance to reacharge. My weekend begins on the Muslims special day of AlJumaah, Friday. Although women do not have to attend Friday prayer, I make it a point not to miss the lovely Friday khutbah (lecture) which begins the lifiting of my spirt. On Saturday I try to attend MSA events, or any other type of lectures within the area, and on Sunday I make it a point not to miss my favorite spirtual uplift of the week which I always look foward to: the Dr.Islam ElFahymoui Guiding Light Series. If I was allowed to I would totally attend Fajr at the will see why within my next post which is about Fajr. Today I finally tried studying at the was awesome! My study buddies are angels !
I realized if it was not for this spirtual uplift I get every weekend falling into the haram would become so much easier. SubhanAllah, walhumdAllah. I encourage you all to spirtually renew yourselves whenever you can, and use the weekend as a form of preparation for the fitnah you face throughout the week!
"Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him"
Holy Quran Surat Hud Aya 3
Heres a great article which explains what I mean alongside with tips:
I highly recommend the first tip which is to take notes during any lectures you attend. If it wasnt for my notebook and typing my notes on my blog I would never remeber the awesome stuff I learn.
May Allah allow every Muslim to enjoy the benefit of attending the Masjid inshAllah.

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