Friday, August 17, 2012

Farewell Ramdan =/

As Shiekh Hassan starts reciting the final surahs in the Quran, as he makes the witr duaa with the words " Ikhir Ramadan"-"The end of Ramadan", as he recites the khitim al Quran, the hearts of the beleivers are shattered and filled with tears as they realize
 the beloved vist of Ramadan has come to an end.

Our beloved vistor took away our hearts this month as it taught us how to become closer to Allah, as it made us spend long nights in sujud and ruku, as it mades us cry as we remeber Allah,
but always remeber Allah is always close even after Ramadan...

"and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein" Surat Qaf: 16.

 "O Ramadhaan! Be gentle, the tears of your lovers are pouring out. Their hearts are torn from the pain of your departure. Perhaps standing to bid you farewell will extinguish the burning fire of longing. Perhaps taking a moment to repent will mend everything that has been torn in fast. Perhaps one cut off from the procession of those whose fast has been accepted will be joined with them. Perhaps Perhaps one deserving to be punished in Hell will be liberated. Perhaps the mercy of the Lord will be granted to the sinner."
 -Ibn Rajab
Although Ramadan has left us, Allah never left you, and inshallah we will back for Ramadan next year...just like when someone vists you from overseas, you tell them
"Inshalllh tarohh wa trajaa bi salama"
Oh Ramadan, inshllah you go and come back peacefully.
This month allowed you to taste the sweetness of faith, and this month brought you closer to achiveing the "Nafs Al-mutmaa" The Soul At Peace"
Surat Al Fajr 28-29


To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul,

Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him

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