Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Missin You Oh Ramadan...

Missin the feeling of alnafs almumtmna....
Missin the late nights at the mosque praying, taraweeh for 2 hours long.. 30 nights of listin to the my favorite shiekh recite my favorite book: the ultimate sound to my ears & my heart-The Holy Quran... Heavy tears runnin down my checks durin the witr duaa, cryin like a baby who is need of a diaper change. I thought of these tears as a cleanse for my sins and as a form of tazkiykah for my heart..

Oh Ramadan, you allowed me to understand the following aya as my heart rembered Allah <3


Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.
Surat Al-Rad Aya 28

....ohhhhh Ramadan, oh Allah, how I miss the feeling of
"Alnafs Almutmanh"- "The Peaceful Soul"

Surat Al Fajr : 27-28
To the righteous it will be said, "O reassured  soul (Alnafs Almutmah),

Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],

Ramadan may not come back for another 11months,
 but I can always go back to Allah <3.

Late nights spent in the mosque, now im at home feeling lost and bored without any taraweeh to look ffwd to....
Feeling useless but I shouldnt be worried cuz Allah is always ready to have us come back, thats why
Allah created "tawbah" which means come back...

"Alhuma inaa atwuboo ilyk"- Oh Allah I return (tawb) to You!"
Oh Allah I ask you to bring me back the feeling of al-nafs almumthanh!

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