The Eslam Elfahymoui lecture series has finally returned, alhumdAllah..
Lets recap on what he taught us before the end of Ramadan as it is helpful to understand to his new lectures which are a continuation.
There are 2 main sickness or disease of the heart
1. "Doubt in Allah-no certainty-yaqyn"
2. "The love of this world"
He termed envy,jealous, and etc as symptoms of the these two main sickness.
Example: You will have envy if you dont have certainty in Allah. The one who envy's doubts Allah's wisdom.
If you want to read more past notes to understand his current series:
The current series which began around the first week of September is about the symptoms of these two diseases,unfortunately I did not have my notebook in the past weeks but heres what I remember and for today humdAllah i got my notebook :D
Sunday Sept 15th :
Symptom: Backbiting
Disease: (I dont remeber, I need to ask someone, if anyone has notes please email them!)
Sunday Sept 22nd :
Symptom = Hasad-Envy
Disease: Doubt in Allah, and Love of this dunya-world
This symptom comes from both disease, doubt in Allah, and love of this dunya....
When you have hasad you are doubting Allah because its like you are questioning Allahs will. How can you hate the person who has the blessing if this blessing was given to them by Allah? Instead of envying people which gets you nothing, ask Allah to bless their blessing, and to grant you the same.
Sunday Sept 30th
Symptom: Lying
Disease: Doubt in Allah
Islam Elfahymoui said:
Train yourself to be truthful. Lying comes from doubt in Allah. If you think lying will benefit you, you dont beleive or you have doubt that Allah is the One who provides you with benefit.
The Prophet said: "The beleiver does not lie"
If you lie to push harm away from yourself, it means you think Allah will not help you.
Lying is the opposite of eman. Muslims should be known around the world for thier honesty.
As you grow in this life, you will realize this world is nothing.
How can you make dawah if you are a liar?
There are some excpetions to example is lying to your wife to make her feel good.
For an example when your wife asks you "Do you still think I am beautiful"? Even if she is not as beautiful as she was when you just got married as she is a mother of four, you should agree with her and tell her that she is beautiful. You are not really lying because you see her beauty in the symbol she is, who she is, and what she has done for you not how she looks.
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