Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hijabi , Wear A Small Not A Large


I cant wait until I reach the point where I am able to only complain of my sadness to Allah...this is the ultimate state which Prophet Yusufs father was in mashAllah:
"He said, "I only complain of my  sorrow  and my grief to Allah , and I know from Allah that which you do not know"

Lately I have been hearing to many comments about my hijab from Muslims...these comments show unappreciation of the non Muslim co workers don't even say these things about hijab, actually once I start explaining the virtue of hijab they love it alhumdAllah.

When people who discouraged you from an increase of faith understand your love for Allah, and the AMAZING peace you get when you are following Allahs commandments, they would be trying veryyyy hard to achieve peace as it is not easy!
All of these annoying occurrences of people literally telling me to change my hijab for certain reasons reminds me of the story of Prophet Yusuf! And how he refused to displease Allah, if we only had iman like him!

In Surat Yusuf, Prophet Yusuf is telling Allah he prefers prison over the haram the kings wife wanted subhanAllah!!! In the end of this Surah, we see how Allah truly raises the status of Prophet Yusuf from prisoner, to king because of his "beautiful patience" Sabrun Jamil as mentioned in the Surah...whenever you think of people who are displeased with you because of your good actions think of Surat Yusuf and this valuable lesson, think of the VERY motivating ayah, and if you believe in Allah you believe in His promises inshAllah

"Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good."


Last weekend I was at a Muslim Food event and there was a bazzar so I was trying on abayas in a size Large... these ladies keept insisting that I take the smaller size abayaa. Her and other random people, they keep saying oh you are young you need to dress tight blabla something along those lines.
 These ladies are probably right, because really if I was dressing according to what society considers my size I would be wearing smalls and extra small, but I choose extra large because this is how you properly cover your beautiful shape. Yes, beautiful. Hijabis are beautiful when they are not in hijab mashAllah...go see how AMAZING hijabis look as brides mashAllah.I went along with the conversation but I got my large size abaya and its beautiful.
Then this lady started asking me how old I was and she was surprised when I said 21. She thought I was older because of the way I dress and that my clothes are to big and that I should dress I went along with the conversation and I jokingly said so I can get married? She said yes.
In our world, the non hijabis are praised for showing off their "beauty" but the hijabis efforts are not appreciated and they are told to cut down on the hijab...

This week I also went to the beach with some hijabi who takes it off...that's OKAY do what you want but STOP telling me to take off my hijab just because we are at the beach, wallhee I swear I can swim in my hijab very comfortably and I stay in the water longer then most of the people at the beach! I don't understand why there is a discouragement of hijab rather then encouragement.

All these matters go back to looks and annoying dunya concerns and I will continue to wear my EXTRA LARGE clothes  inshAllah!!!

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