Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fajr Probelms, Look For Allahs Messages To You

 If you have problems waking up for Fajr or you know someone who cant wake up share this video. I translated the part about Fajr...like always Mustfah Hosny hits you in the heart.

Personal Reflection:
SubhanAllah just like Yaqoot I feel like Allah wanted me to watch this specific lecture, on this specific topic becaue I needed to hear exctally what Yaqoot heard.

I just want to add that Allah always address you according to your own needs, but you have to look for those messages, those signs....my favorite quote:
“Good reminders usually hit you in the heart as if they were meant for you, as if Allah-God just sent you a private message to awaken your heart”
Heres the lecture along with my bootleged transltation

I want to tell you a true story my friend told me about a man named yaqoot. Yaqoot is not my friend, but he is a friend of one of my close friends. My friend told me that Yaqoots parents didnt pray or encourage Yaqoot to pray. Yaqoot just as you are here today in this lecture, and you heard words from Allah, Allah places words on the tongue of the person to send good messages. Yaqoot went to a lecture in which the speaker was talking about praying Salat Al Fajr in the Mosque. It is as if Yaqoots heart was taken away and he felt as if Allah was talking to him, to make a positive change in him. So he took a decision and he told his friends "Please, wake me up for fajr". This story was in the late 80s when there was no cell phones, so if my friend wanted to wake me up he would have to call my house phone or come to my house and knock on my door. It would be considered rude to call the house phone at 5am. Yaqoot lived on the first floor, so he decided to place his mattress near the wall close to the window. He tied a rope to one of his wrists and he placed this rope outside of the window.  And he tied a fanous lantern to the rope so the wind wouldnt move the rope. And my friend (mustfah hosny) Ahmed told me we used to go to Yaqoots house and we would pull the rope and Yaqoot would wake up for fajr. He would get up and go make wudu, and he would place a pillow under his comfotore in case his parents came to see if he was sleeping, because his parents would punish him if they heard that he went to pray salat al fajr in the masjid. Yaqoot would go and pray fajr and when he would come back home and he would remove the pillow and go back to sleep. He was taken away. His heart was taken away with Allah, subhanwatalaa. When he felt that Allah was addressing him with these words from the speaker....

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