Friday, November 30, 2012

Rush To Allah, The Few Motivated

Jumaah lecture:
Heres what the sheikh said today, I actually took notes I dont know if that is discouraged but I want to take notes every Friday because if I dont go home and blog what I learned about I most likely will forget.
"Sometimes you only need a few who are motivated to work (volunteer) for the sake of Allah.
Omar Ibn Alkhatb said he fears a time when the mutqaan (God conscious) people are lazy and the fasqun (do bad) people are active.
Look at our own time, the bars are open late and people are willing to stay up until 3 am to party, but you can find people who can get up at 3 am to pray....
When the Muslim civilization was at its high point (look into our history during the time of the caliphs) you will see that this was the result of the efforts of a few very dedicated men
 (the sahaba, the caliphs).
Do the best you can so Allah can reward you like the sahaba.
One of the worst tricks of the shytan is bringing laziness upon us.
Being lazy is a state of mind but if you leave it, laziness can reach your heart.
If you are lazy slowly you will miss your prayers, not want to make dawaah, etc.
I want to point out two ayas that both have the same theme word which is telling you to hurry, rush!:  Surat Al Jumaah Aya 9: Fasaaw, hasten
O you who believe! when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trading; that is better for you, if you know.
Surat Al Hadid Aya 21: Sabiqoo, Race
 The aya is about Paradise and the people with light and then they will be told to enter Jannah....actually one tip when the recitor recites the aya, "janaat tarjee min tahthum al anhar, which means gardens beneth which rivers flow imagine a lovely calm river flowing under your feet ....
Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.
You rush to school, work, etc because they are important but we lost this rush in our deen, religion. Show Allah that you are rushing to Him.  This helps you not to be lazy, for an example if you rush to salat you wont miss the salat. Allah likes people who are alive and they have energy.
The sunnah teaches us small techniques for energy.

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