Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blankets4SyrianRefugees,A Reminder of Allahs Miracles, Signs,and Promises

Im sure everyone knows about the winter snow that has reached the Syrian region, we can talk about how sad the situation is, we can post statues on FaceBook and share images, or we can look at this as an opportunity for us to be grateful for what we have...we might feel bad for the Syrians, but their situation is a test for us to, for the ones who are living comfortably in the snow with heat, coats, and everything how do we acknowledge this blessing of comfort? We show our gratefulness is our actions, we give to people like the Syrians
This week I was told about a drive for the Syrian Refugees in need, the local masjid was collecting food, clothing, blankets, etc for a container that is going to be sent to Syrian Refugees.
At first I was thinking how can I help, should I simply donate my "old clothing"?
But then I thought of the hadith  "What you love for yourself you love for your brother or sister"
Would you want to receive old clothes or a brand new blanket and a brand new coat?
And so I began my annoying text messages and endless emails, a practice I usually do in Ramadan where I text people asking to contribute for our yearly Ramadan orphan sponsorship.
Before I sent the texts on to raise money 4Blankets4SyrianRefugees on Sunday  at 12:00 AM I was debating on how much the goal should first I was going for small numbers like $200.. and then somehow I decided we would have to raise $800 before Thursday
To be honest...I didn't have to much hope at first, especially when people took long to respond.
AlhumdAllah I know one sister who is always ready to contribute, about a year ago she taught me one of the best concepts one can learn about wealth, one of the best duaas you can use 
 (not limited to money, for anything!)
"Oh Allah provide me from sources I don't know of"
AlhumdAllah she replied the next morning, and after her contribution we went from $100 to $300
Another thing I do is send most of my contacts an update text with the newest donation amount because it reallllly helps in getting other people to donate, I think this is an example of the aya in which Allah teaches us to donate both privately and in public.
Now that I am looking back to the texts to see how we were able to reach the $800  I cant seem to find any of the updates to see how we reached the $800
And Monday at 11:43Am I sent out a text with an update:
$800 has been raised, blankets have been purcahed, and $200 of the new $500 goal for non perishable foods has begun...
You see how I didn't even think we would reach the $800 and then subhanAllah we had to start a new goal because we got extra money alhumdAllah, and yes we reached the $500
And this is the perfect example of the aya:
"Allah provides from sources you don't know of"
Always think of this aya when you are in need of anything because once you go from $0 to $800 in 1 day you are going to wonder but how?
 "Huwaa Allah" He is simple is that
This is how you seek the signs of Allah, this is how you recognize
His Miracles, His Promises in the Quran, and what the result is of hard work and tawkul 
This opportunity to help was a reminder of Allahs Miracles, Signs, and Promises


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