Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Bazzar At The Convention, Trust,Love, Thats My Ummah

I know we go to conventions to increase our knowledge, but the  BAZZAR at the convention taught me ALOT. It reminded me of the beauty of my ummah and the concept of trust.

As the lectures were over I would walk through the bazzar (because I didn't like going back to the hotel, its boring!), and I noticed something amazing, I noticed that the vendors simply left out their items, while some covered their stuff lightly a lot of their stuff was just there, imagine how easy it is to steal...very!  And the vendors had very valuable items.

But subhanAllah because of the envoriment, theres this expectation of trust, like we are Muslim we got you don't worry, you can leave your stuff and come back to find it there inshAllah...its stuff like this that keeps me to love my ummah!

"That's my Ummah!"


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